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- 2การประชุมs
- 52ผู้เรียนทั้งหมดที่ลงทะเบียนเรียน
- Englishภาษาเสียง
What do you say or think about yourself? Did you know that 80% of the average person's thoughts are limiting and negative? This type of self-sabotage is one of the main reasons why you don't get what you want, whether it's weight loss, improved health, more confidence, self-esteem, boosted energy, better sleep, a soulmate, more money, a satisfying job, bigger car, more free time or whatever it is you're after.
Discover the reasons why this is not your fault and how you can overcome your struggles to create the possibilities you want. I'll reveal the secrets to your success when you join here.
Discover the reasons why this is not your fault and how you can overcome your struggles to create the possibilities you want. I'll reveal the secrets to your success when you join here.

เกี่ยวกับ Theresa Fowler

Theresa Fowler
Until the age of 43, Theresa tipped the scales 100lbs heavier than she is now. Having been a fat child and grown into an obese adult, she believed the 'big boned' lie told by her family. But after a life-changing event, she decided to do something...
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